With her latest release Believe, Neshama Carlebach examines personal and universal problems to transform darkness into light. The 12-song album approaches life’s challenges with grace, beauty and uplifting music. Carlebach has been performing – often alongside her...
Can you talk to us more about your single “Always With Me”? “Always With Me” is a song about love and finding connection. So many of us carry a great deal of pain and burden; too many of us feel alone and powerless; too many of us have lost loved ones and don’t know...
Dearest Friends, Here I stand at a new doorway, in the light, free. This past year has changed me. I am grateful for the lessons, for the tears, for the growth, for the music that poured through my heart. It is with great joy that I announce the release of my tenth...
STAMFORD, Connecticut — Neshama Carlebach sits in her car in a deli parking lot, listening to her new song “Believe.” She beams when the words, “I close my eyes so I can see all that can be / We will rise, I do believe,” pipe through the speaker — but not for the...
NEW YORK — Neshama Carlebach says she is figuring out how “to both love and not love” her father. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, a spiritual leader and musician whose soulful melodies penetrated the hearts of people across the religious spectrum, is the man who made her into...