Fall 2019 Believe Tour

Friends, I send so much love to you all. After the last email I sent, the one where I shared that my son and I were in a car accident, I received literally hundreds of beautiful responses.  I am moved to my core, truly.  I hope to continue to answer everyone...

Birthday and High Holiday Renewal

Dearest Friends, In early September my son and I were involved in a really terrible car accident.  The person in the oncoming lane made a hard left at full speed right into us.  Miraculously, my son was FINE, which is the most important piece of...

“Believe” Jewelry Announcement

Friends, as we approach this gorgeous moment of renewal and return, I send prayers for peace and fulfillment in your lives. Releasing a recording of original music and redefining the way I see myself have changed my life. The title track...

June 2019 Update

Hello friends! I hope all is awesome in your worlds! In my quest to stay connected to you all, I am trying a new format! Please write to me (I mean it!) and let me know how you feel about receiving more of these kinds of casual emails from me. Also, most important,...

Learning to Believe Again

On this new stage of my journey, my father is no longer the center of my healing process; I now know we each have our own inner work to do. I looked into her eyes and just knew. There was an instant recognition that she had experienced something that should never have...