It is with great joy and excitement that I announce my engagement to Rabbi Menachem Creditor!!
After a life journey filled with twists and turns, I have finally found my true companion and soulmate. I am so, so very blessed.
Our five gorgeous children, Menachem, and I are walking on air. We hope to eventually respond to every email, text, and post individually. In the meantime, please know we celebrate your beautiful responses and thank you for the blessings and good wishes. We are receiving all your love and sending it right back to you
We learn that we all cry with one-half of our hearts and laugh with the other half. Joy and sorrow are forever one. As we celebrate now, I also acknowledge that this month marked 23 years since my beautiful father zt’l left the world.
This year, for the second year in a row, my closest loves/girlfriends/soul sisters, came to New York from all across the country to surround me with song. I am grateful beyond words for their presence in my life, for our sisterhood that transcends time and space, for the strong musical force we are together, for our expansive hearts, and for the way we love each other.
Friends, below please find the link to this very special event. Fair warning: it’s long ;). If you have some time, please step inside the moment to experience the voices of my band, my soul-tribe and me.
I especially invite you to witness an epic performance of my Menachem’s epic composition, Olam Chesed Yibaneh, at approx 2 hours and 8 minutes. It was a deep honor to stand beside him and my soul family at that moment, singing to celebrate all the most complicated and sweet parts of this life.
Twenty-three years is a long time to have been singing in the shadow of loss. I know that this is the best time of my life. I am stronger than I have ever been, so ready to take this new step with my new family, so ready for all that is to come. It is clear that we really have so much to gain if we only we can love unabashedly and try to bring more joy, peace, and clarity to our fragile, precious planet.
May we continue to celebrate life’s most glorious moments together in the years to come.
With love, blessings, and more happiness than I can possibly express,